Present Projects

  • Comtrack (UK Ltd) has been established as a fully owned subsidiary of Comtrack Ventures Ltd to participate in exploration & production licenses in the UK and internationally.

  • Fully owned subsidiary Comtrack Properties (UK) Ltd has acquired and developed office premises in London for rent to oil & gas, and other, companies.

  • Comtrack maintains a portfolio of stock exchange quoted oil, gas and minerals exploration companies, some of which Comtrack founded or invested in pre-IPO. Comtrack was a founder-shareholder in Crown Energy AB, an Africa focused exploration and production company which since 2012 has been listed on a stock exchange in Stockholm (NGM). Some other of portfolio companies like Petromaroc (which has changed name to Wolverine Energy) and Pounder Energy (which changed its business area and its name to Pool Safe Inc), which are quoted on Toronto Venture Exchange, are companies where Comtrack invested in prior to their IPOs.


Future Projects

Comtrack is actively seeking interests in minerals and oil & gas exploration and production companies at the start up and pre IPO stages, as well as early stage companies already quoted on stock exchanges.


Past Projects

Republic of South Africa

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  • Comtrack acquired a controlling interest in Thombo Petroleum Ltd, a company established to acquire licenses in South Africa. After initially financing the company, with the introduction of new investors into Thombo, Comtrack had subsequently diluted its interest in the company.

  • Initially awarded a Reconnaissance License on Block 2B , Thombo converted this to a full Exploration Rights license in 2011.

  • Technical work performed on Block 2B, based on the existing 2D seismic surveys, indicate potential, unrisked resources of ~180 million barrels (Mid Case) in the area surrounding the existing oil discovery well drilled by previous license holder Soekor.

  • In 2012 Afren Plc, a company listed in the main London stock Exchange, farmed in for 25% of the license in return for acquiring a 3D survey. Afren could further increase its interest in Block 2B license to 50% by drilling up to two wells.

  • The acquisition of a 684 km2 3D seismic survey was completed during 2013 and interpretation was completed in 2014, resulting in an increase of the estimates of the resource potential of the block.

  • During 2013 Thombo Petroleum was restructured, with its 75% ownership of Block 2B being split. Thus, Comtrack then owned a direct 40.5% interest in the Block 2B license through its majority owned subsidiary Simbo Petroleum Ltd, whereas Thombo owns 34.5% and remains the operator.

  • Crown Energy AB signed an agreement to acquire Simbo Petroleum Ltd. The transaction was approved by the South African authorities and the sale closed on the 20th of February 2015.


Republic of Congo

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  • Comtrack owned an interest in Adeco Congo SA which succeeded in being awarded an 85% interest in a Production Sharing Agreement for the 265 sq. km Block XIV (see map).

  • The 3D seismic data underwent interpretation in 2006/7.

  • In 2009 a further 3D survey was acquired over the block and a well was drilled in 2011.

  • Comtrack maintained an ongoing carried interest in the block.


NW Europe (offshore)


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  • Comtrack was a founder major shareholder in Scotsdale Ltd, a private London based UK company established in October 2004 to acquire exploration and production acreage in NW Europe.

  • Scotsdale acquired the following licenses;

    • UK: 40-50% interest in 11 blocks (10 operated).

    • Denmark: 64% interest as operator in 2 blocks.

    • Netherlands: 30% interest in 2 blocks.

  • Scotsdale was sold in 2008 to a trade buyer . Subsequent owners of these Scotsdale licenses discovered oil and gas fields both in the Denmark and in the Netherlands.

  • In Denmark, drilling of License 12/06 in 2011 resulted in both an oil discovery and a second gas discovery. Following a subsequent appraisal drilling, the oilfield Robin Hood is presently subject to a plan of development.

  • In the Netherlands, further drilling resulted in the biggest gas field discovery in the past 15 years, and the development of the offshore Q10 gas field which reached a cumulative production of 1 Billion cubic meters on August 2020, supplying yearly gas heating to ¾ of million Dutch households.


  • Comtrack Ventures was a controlling shareholder (70%) of Simwell Resources Ltd, a company established to build a gas focused exploration & production company in offshore UK. The company was sold to Reabold Resources Plc in January 2023