Thombo Petroleum 3D Contract Award.

Thombo Petroleum Ltd, a London-based company operating in the Republic of South Africa in which Comtrack has a 40% interest, has announced the award of a 3D seismic acquisition and processing contract to WesternGeco. The survey will use WesternGeco’s IsoMetrix technology and will cover a full fold area of 686 km sq, extending over the A-J1 graben of Block 2B located off the west coast of South Africa. This graben contains the A-J1 oil discovery drilled and tested by Soekor in 1988. The survey is scheduled to start in early January, 2013, and will last for approximately one month.

The new data will allow the partners to evaluate in detail not only the extent of the A-J1 oil discovery but also the many other prospects and leads in the graben which have been identified from existing 2D seismic data.